The International Double Ultra Triathlon Germany is organised by the Double Ultra Triathlon Emsdetten 2012 e.V. The rules of the Int. Double Triathlon Germany comply with the provisions of the general regulations.
The Double Ultra Triathlon Germany in Emsdetten will be organised and taking full account of local circumstances, facilities and experience. The organisers have the firm intention to offer money prizes, but these will become available only within prevailing financial constraints.
- Swimming conduct
Lanes will be allocated according to your official swim time. We will aim to have contestants starting at the same time as others of an equivalent standard. Due to the large number of swimmers, and despite lane allocation based on swim times that are expected to be similar, overtaking within the last few metres of a lane may cause an obstruction to other contestants. Consequently, we ask that swimmers commence any overtaking manoeuvre in good time.No attempt should be made to overtake other swimmers within the last ten metres of a lane. The swimming caps issued to contestants must be worn at all times during this stage. Wetsuits are mandatory, because hypothermia can still set in despite a water temperature of approximately 24°C. Support crew members are permitted to distribute food and drink to contestants during the swimming stage, but only on the opposite side of the pool to where officials are recording contestants’ lengths and times.Only the race officials shall decide when the swim stage is completed. The swim-to-bike (T1) transition stage may only take place in the designated area. - Cycling conduct
Escort vehicles are strictly forbidden on the cycle route. Companions may only distribute food, drink, clothes and spare parts, as well as help with bike repairs, on the verge of the cycle route. Service and inspection vehicles belonging to the organisers will observe the race and help out with any breakdowns en route.Traffic rules must be respected at all times. The cycle route is not fully lit at night. Contestants must ensure that they have a powerful enough bike light and appropriate clothing for night-time cycling. Contestants are fully responsible for the procurement of batteries and replacement bike lights. On Saturday 14th June 2025 after 9pm, cyclists will only be allowed to continue the race with their bike lights switched on. All contestants must mount a continuous, white light on the front of their bicycle. This may be battery-powered. Cyclists must, however, be able to replace spent batteries at any given time. A helmet-mounted light or flashing light alone is not considered to be sufficient. All contestants must mount a continuous or flashing red light to the rear of their bicycle. It is highly recommended that contestants attach reflector strips to their bikes and clothing. A safety helmet is obligatory at all times. Race numbers must be clearly displayed on the back of the jersey in order that officials can register each contestant’s times. The cycling stage is an individual time trial without any team support. Drafting behind or near other contestants is not permitted. The minimum permissible distance between the rear wheel of the leading cyclist and the front wheel of the trailing cyclist is ten metres. Contestants must be two metres apart when cycling side by side. Overtaking manoeuvres must be completed within 30 seconds. The overtaken cyclist is responsible for re-establishing the required minimum distance between cyclists and may only then begin his/her own overtaking manoeuvre. Race marshals on motorbikes will ensure that the rules of the cycling stage are respected at all times. Drafting is strictly forbidden and will result in a stop-and-go penalty. The transfer of a timing chip to another contestant will lead to immediate disqualification. Athletes can receive free massages and medical assistance at the competition centre. It falls to the contestant to inform officials when he/she has passed a checkpoint. The cycling stage will officially end on Sunday 15th June 2025 at 02:30 (i.e. 2.30 am). The organisers reserve the right to take athletes out of the race after this time. - Running conduct
It is strictly forbidden to accompany athletes on the running route. Support crews may distribute food, drink and clothing in the designated pit stop areas. The running stage route is fully lit at night. It is recommended to wear a headlamp. Athletes must wear clothing appropriate for local weather conditions. Reflective clothing is strongly recommended.The organisers are entitled to inform contestants when they break the race rules and to sanction those contestants who do so with a time penalty. Contestants must wear their race numbers on their fronts, and these must be clearly visible at all times. Contestants may walk or run, but may not use other aids. Contestants must complete the race under their own steam. The transfer of a timing chip to another contestant will lead to immediate disqualification. It falls to the contestant to inform officials when he/she has passed a checkpoint. If necessary, the medical team or competition management may intervene and take a contestant out of the race at any time. All contestants are entitled to receive a massage and/or medical assistance from the paramedics at the competition centre. - Contestants may interrupt the running stage of the race at any time, but must re-enter the race at the same point. Should a contestant interrupt a race for a longer period of time (more than 30 minutes), the competition management must be informed. The same conditions apply if a contestant should wish to withdraw from the race. Failure to report to competition management will lead to immediate disqualification. Likewise, contestants must inform the competition management on restarting the race after a longer break.
- We ask that contestants to thoroughly familiarise themselves with the triathlon rules and route before the start of the race. Any complaints or claims made in this regard will no longer be considered once the rate has started. Any contestant who fails to familiarise himself/herself with the rules accepts full responsibility for any eventual disqualification. The competition stewards will make all decisions regarding breaches of the rules and the corresponding penalties. The stewards’ decisions are final and non-negotiable.
- Bike safety and storage: contestants and their support crews are solely responsible for the safety of their bikes and other equipment. The organisers accept no liability for the damage or loss of property incurred as a result of participation in the race.
- Any contestant who fails to present a signed waiver form before the start of the race will not be allowed to compete.
- Doping tests may be conducted without warning before and after the race. Contestants are fully responsible for ensuring that they have sufficient health insurance and accident cover before entry in the race.
- The organisers accept no liability for any accident, damages or theft that arise from participation in the competition.
- Athletes may be assisted by a maximum of one helper in the transition zone at the swimming pool.
- Swim times will be recorded manually and electronically. Cycling and running times will be recorded electronically.
- The timekeeping is done exclusively with the race-result ActiveProV2 transponder, which will be used for the first time at the Double Ultra Triathlon in Emsdetten this year. The rental transponders required for timekeeping will be handed out to all participants on site and must be returned by all athletes in the finish area at the end of the competition. While swimming, the two race-result AktiveProV2 transponders must be worn on the right and left wrist. Own ChampionChips can therefore not be used this year!
- The Promoter accepts no responsibility for the health risks of a participant in connection with participation in the competition. The participant explains obligatorily that he has a health check subjected by a specialist and there are no objections to the participation in the desired competition. In addition, the participants stated that it is in a reasonable state of training. He also stated that he agrees to be taken in this case out of the race, when in harm threatened.
- The participant agrees that the photographs, film footage and interviews on radio, television, print media, books, photo copies, made in connection with his participation be passed on for advertising purposes without compensation, distributed and published. The collected through the registration personal data will be stored for purposes of implementation and management of the event and passed. The participant agrees to the publication of his name, first name, year of birth, club, its starting number, and results in all event-related print media, and all electronic media.
- The participant agrees to the implementing rules and terms and conditions specified in the announcement explicitly.
- Bei no show or cancellation of the event due to force majeure, there is no refund of entry fee.
- The participants are obliged to adhere to the requirements of the hygiene concept due to the corona.
- Due to the corona, the event can be canceled at short notice due to COVID-19.
- The organisers reserve the right to amend the competition rules at any time and reject athletes without giving reasons.